
WhatsApp Business: advantages of using it in a contact center. Instant messaging in customer service has become an essential tool for managing customer satisfaction in the digital age. That is why today we want to talk to you about the queen among instant messaging tools —and which was already the protagonist of one of our previous posts—: WhatsApp Business. Why is it so important to have a company profile in this app and what are the advantages of using it in a call center? Read on, we’ll tell you more here!

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WhatsApp Business: what is it and what is it for?

Its name leaves no doubt about its origin: it is the platform of the popular messaging service, oriented specifically to business. A platform that, however, is totally independent of the mobile phone application (WhatsApp) since its official launch in 2018.

WhatsApp Business is currently one of the communication methods that allows the relationship with customers (potential or current) to be fast, fluid and, above all, effective. Now, how can we take advantage of its functionalities so that it is 100% useful when managing the relationship with customers and providing them with quick responses in a contact center?

Advantages of using it in a contact center

Before listing some of the advantages of having WhatsApp Business in a contact center, first of all it must be clear that, in order to integrate it, it is necessary to have something very important. Guess what? Indeed, a software for contact center.

As we said a few lines above, having WhatsApp Business installed to manage customer service in a call center offers numerous advantages to any company (beyond the typical “having WhatsApp web helps us speed up interaction”).

In this way, some of the advantages of using WhatsApp Business as a customer service tool in a contact center are, among others:

  • Instant messaging: this includes everything from “live” communication to predetermined messages. Yes, WhatsApp Business allows, among other things, to create automatic messages (for example, welcome messages or absent messages). This is a great advantage, since it promotes 24/7 communication that customers will undoubtedly appreciate. Also contact center agents, who will be able to dedicate themselves to less routine tasks.
  • Categorize with tags: WhatsApp Business allows us to classify customers or users using tags (for example, new customers, paid customers, potential customers, etc.). In this way it is possible to optimize the management and customer service.
  • FAQ protocol: many of the questions from users to agents in a contact center are often repeated. For this reason it is essential (also taking into account that self-service is currently highly valued by users) to have an FAQ protocol adapted to the needs of WhatsApp
  • Statistics collection: WhatsApp Business allows you to collect statistics and create reports with topics such as number of messages sent and received. With our EVOLUTION software you will be able to see the user file immediately, including interactions via WhatsApp Business. If you have integrated your CRM you can also monitor the transactions made.
  • Low cost: the low cost of integrating and using WhatsApp Business. These reasons mean that more and more companies are betting on this tool to manage customer service in a contact center.
  • Enable a payment system: this can open a new sales channel, especially for online stores or ecommerce.

EVOLUTION software for contact center: solutions for customer service

Integrate WhatsApp Business into your contact center with our EVOLUTION software and discover how this new channel can further help you improve relationships with your customers.

Find out how, request a demo here!


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