Contact center software: how to integrate it in an ecommerce? For a few years —and each time more and more— eCommerce has become an innovative and successful business model. Selling products through online stores offers many advantages to both users and companies compared to the traditional physical store.
The data speaks for itself: according to the latest report published by the Cetelem eCommerce Observatory in 2021, the average expenditure made by spanish people on their online purchases continues to grow: €2,336, 11% compared to 2020 and 2019. In this online universe, with a market whose digital maturity will go further, establishing a good digital marketing strategy will be essential so that the customer experience (at the online level) facilitates the objective of any company: to sell its product or service.
In this sense, having a Contact center software whose functionalities allow you to face with guarantees any sales, marketing and customer service campaign in an online business is essential. Do you know what an eCommerce is? How to integrate a contact center software and why do it? We tell you!
Contact Center software: What is an eCommerce?
As its name suggests, eCommerce is that type of system for selling, buying and distributing products or services through the Internet. Under this name is also known the business that, compared to traditional commerce, offers its products or services to a target audience through the Internet.
Once defined, depending on the target audience, we can distinguish several types of eCommerce:
- B2C (Business to Consumer): the most common, aimed directly at the final consumer
- B2B (Business to Business): your target audience is other companies
- C2C (Consumer to Consumer): this type of eCommerce has been spreading in recent years, due to the rise of online sales.
Contact Center software: wich are the advantages of an eCommerce?
eCommerce has some very important advantages over traditional business:
- Greater reach: an online store makes any business much more accessible regardless of where you are or the device through which it is accessed.
- Lower costs: compared to the traditional physical store, the initial cost of e-commerce is much lower compared to having to buy or rent a store.
- Availability: this is one of the most outstanding points. An eCommerce is open 24/7 for users… and this is where you can count on omnichannel software, capable of integrating different touch points (social media, messaging apps, email, etc.) and the different self-service tools (such as chatbots) to speed up incoming calls or text messages.
Contact Center software: how to integrate it with an eCommerce?
Having in mind that we are immersed in the digital age, with the customer experience at the epicenter of business online marketing strategies and with a customer looking for an omnichannel strategy, integrating a call center software is essential. In this sense, integrating omnichannel software can serve in different ways:
- Increased use of chatbots: users feel more comfortable if they manage when and how to obtain information.
- Use of AI and Big Data to know the needs of customers (current or potential) and offer them products according to their tastes and needs.
- Social media to nurture users with information and, in this way, help consumers during the purchase process.
- Instant messaging apps (such as WhatsApp and Telegram) to interact with them. In the case of Telegram, thanks to the use of channels, messages can be massively sent to contacts interested in eCommerce products or services.
Software for telemarketing: discover how ICR Evolution can help you
In this digital era, call centers have to bet on an omnichannel strategy to provide optimal, agile and effective customer service. With the telemarketing software EVOLUTION you build, maintain and strengthen the relationship with your leads and establish a close relationship with your customers from end to end.
You want to know more? Find out how our Contact center software EVOLUTION can help you. Request a demo here!