Customer service: sales trends in 2022 for contact centers. Two years later, no one will be surprised if we affirm, once again, that the year 2020 marked a turning point in our lives. The pandemic inevitably conditioned and modified habits and routines at a personal and professional level: teleworking (or hybrid work in many cases) that marked important changes not only in the services provided by companies but also in the relationship with customers.
This new way of paying attention to users appears hand in hand with the birth of a new paradigm in companies: it was observed at the time how many companies were not prepared for digitalization. Their marketing and sales strategies weren’t capable of delivering that “digital” oriented customer experience.
A few posts ago we already explained some of the predictions for contact centers in 2022 and today we want to go a step further to address the main customer service trends in 2022 at the sales level. Keep reading!
Customer service: sales trends for 2022 in contact center
If 2021 was the year of “transition” between the physical and the digital (opening the door to the so-called phygital era), 2022 is presented as the year of the consolidation of customer service through the different digital channels. In this way, we can list four trends that at ICR Evolution we are clear will be key in terms of facilitating and solving customer needs and helping our contact center agents.
1. Social Selling
When interacting with the customer, it is important to do it from an omnichannel point of view. In other words, following a unified digital marketing strategy in which the different social media channels (social media like Facebook Messenger, email or applications like WhatsApp and Telegram) meet the objective of what is known as Social Selling: the use of social media to talk to users, generate leads and, ultimately, increase sales.
2. Customer service: Inside Sales
Or what is the same: more remote sales. With office work practically evaporated from contact centers, companies are already fully adapted to remote work. Now, for the experience of the customers with whom you interact, to be up to their needs, it is necessary to have good contact center software.
Remote selling has a very positive impact on companies: many of the companies that switched to remote selling have met their sales goals. And it is not fortuity: the user also prefers to make purchases in the digital environment.
3. Message customization
Customers are becoming more informed and more demanding with the personalization of their experience. In this Digital Customer Experience era, it is the customer who decides how and when to contact the company. And this is when the contact center must offer an agile and personalized service. What we always say: a happy customer always comes back.
This personalization gives contact center agents a fundamental role in terms of customer experience: natural, close conversations and being able to respond to their problems become key aspects.
4. Customer service: welcome chatbots
As you know, the use of chatbots has become enormously popular in recent years with one goal: to answer frequently asked questions and forward users in the right direction to get them to purchase a company’s products and services. Thanks to them, contact center agents are freed from monotonous and tedious tasks and dedicate time to issues that add more value (and at the same time feel more motivated)
That is why it is so important to have a chatbot like the one you can integrate into our software EVOLUTION.
EVOLUTION: Software for customer service. Request a demo!
With our customer service software EVOLUTION you will be able to provide the best service to your company’s customers: reduced times, self-service, screen pop ups or email response templates.
Stand out from your competitors with EVOLUTION and deliver a unified, personalized and seamless customer service experience.
Do you want to know more? Request a demo!