
At ICR Evolution we continue to grow. Or better said —and making a little play on words—: we are “evolving”. Today we want to introduce you to Grupo ICR, an umbrella created to unite two business units: ICR Evolution and ICR Software Factory. Do you want to know what is it about? Read on, we’ll tell you here!

Grupo ICR: a new commercial approach to cover new markets

The goal pursued with Grupo ICR is clear: to open new doors within the Contact Center sector, covering new markets that until now we had not explored. A new business strategy and vision that further strengthens our company’s position as expert leaders in contact center software development.

The incorporation of ICR Software Factory as a second business unit is just one of our novelties. Simultaneously, the group has continued to work on the growth and development of ICR Evolution. In addition, it has also focused on Marketing and Communication actions to accompany all these changes.

Grupo ICR: Software Factory, custom solutions, and CTIs integrations

“This new project, ICR Software Factory, was born from the union of professionals from different areas of contact center software development. And it was born with the mission of offering customized solutions and integrations for CTIs and after a long history and experience in the sector”, explains Carlos López, head of development at ICR Software Factory.

A team expert in advising on the transformation of tools and equipment and the development of integrations. This enhanced the scalability of the customer’s Contact Center and, in addition, offers the possibility of covering new channels and technologies.

Grupo ICR: ICR Evolution, we continue to grow hand in hand with our customers

“On the other hand, at ICR Evolution we continue to work on our position as expert software developers for Contact Centers”, says Gabi Navarro, CEO of ICR Evolution and of the new Grupo ICR, who adds: “We achieve this by reinforcing our teams to be able to work harder in updates to our EVOLUTION product.”

We have already told you on a previous occasion how important the human factor is for us, one of the most important assets of ICR Evolution, and it is not for less. Thanks to them and our teams, we have managed, over the years, to successfully integrate all communication channels —voice, email, instant messaging, chat and chatbot, and social media — into a single multichannel platform: our software EVOLUTION. Success is the logical consequence of knowing how to listen to the needs of our customers and partners, who are the ones who really set the product roadmap.

A more than evident growth can also be seen in the Communication and Marketing area, with different actions that were a priority last year and also continue to be so in 2022. This is how Aitana Arias, CMO of ICR Evolution explains it: “We have put the focus on communications, on changing the way we speak and being more constant when approaching our customers”. And she adds: “This year we have launched new case studies and a second edition of Evolution Talks. This type of marketing material, in which we work with clients such as ICSS, Housell, Imagina Energía or Fiatc Seguros, help us convey, graphically and visually, how our software can exponentially improve a company’s operations”.

ICR Evolution: about us

Grupo ICR is the natural result of this evolution, of our new business vision. A business vision that allows us to present news like this and that reinforces our position as expert software developers for Contact Center. This, with a new Software Factory for custom developments and a solid Marketing and Communication strategy, allows us to go one step further and continue to be leaders in the sector.

Our omnichannel software EVOLUTION is, today, one of the most complete contact center solutions on the market. A solution that includes WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, live chat, chatbots, email, and voice.

Do you want to know more? Request a demo here!


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