
Journey Mapping in call center. The first thought that comes to mind when we think of the “path” that a customer takes to complete the purchase process is that it is something quite simple: a company offers a product or service, a customer buys. Nothing could be further from the truth: throughout this customer journey, many other factors come into game beyond contact with the customer and the simple interactions between the customer and a brand.

For this reason, today we want to talk about a very important concept, customer journey mapping and how to promote it from a call center or to improve the “customer experience” throughout the customer’s journey. Do you want to know more? Keep reading!

Call center: what is the Journey Mapping?

Let’s start from scratch: the customer journey is defined as the path that a user takes when interacting with your brand. However, if we limit ourselves solely to this definition, we are not taking into account another series of very important factors.

Here we are talking about getting to know the clients or buyer personas (which, as you already know, are the ideal type of clients to offer a product or service) being aware that their needs and demands have changed, in part due to the rapid digitization and the use of other channels of purchase (such as social media).

In this new context, organizations are increasingly aware of the need to build a good customer journey map, a Design Thinking tool that allows this roadmap to be captured through the analysis of the consumer experience. Journey Mapping or customer journey mapping is essential for companies for a very simple reason: it helps identify gaps in the service.

Call center: which are the benefits of the Journey Mapping?

Starting from the basis that new technologies and digitization have changed consumer habits and customer experience, an adequate Journey Mapping is essential to anticipate the needs of users in each of the phases of the customer journey:

Some of the benefits of Journey Mapping in call centers are:

  • Understand the buyer persona. In this way, get to know them, create appropriate customer service marketing strategies and, therefore, retain them.
  • Identify successful strategies to join forces, prioritize and take action to improve the aforementioned user experience
  • Detect pain points
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Call center: how to enhance Journey Mapping?

To begin to elaborate the Journey Mapping and maximize it, it is necessary to have the basic elements that shape it and enhance each one of them:

  • People: define each buyer persona to obtain the information that most interests each business
  • Timeline or space of time between the different phases of the customer journey before and during the purchase process
  • Channels or touch points through which clients and brand interact. We used to say social networks but we cannot forget the website itself, the telephone, email, etc.
  • Goals: or in other words, to know the paths and actions of the client until they close their purchase process of the product or service

Find out how our call center software can help you

We started the post talking about the change in consumer habits as a result of digitization and new technologies, remember? Good call center software that integrates Artificial Intelligence will allow us to create predictive models and know user preferences with great precision.

Discover how our call center software EVOLUTION can help you analyze the consumer experience or customer journey. Understand how they feel, think and act at each touch point with your company to enhance their satisfaction and detect opportunities.

You want to know more? Request a demo of our omnichannel contact center software here!


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