Pain points in your contact center. We have already told you on a previous occasion the importance of the role of professionals in charge of managing, within the contact center, calls or contacts with clients (whether frequent or potential potential clients). Any company must pay special attention to make sure that they are motivated (as we already told you in this post), because we must not forget that they are the first line of customer service and that is up to them that the first brand impression generated is positive.
This is very important because its role as “first line” is essential to not only solve customer problems, but also to be able to anticipate and recognize them.
At the time we talked about a term that we already addressed in one of our previous posts: the pain points of your customers (within the phases of the customer service process). Today we want to talk about this term or keyword but from the point of view of a contact center. Which means: in this post we will explain which pain points usually come up in a contact center and how to solve them.

Contact center: what are ‘pain points’?
Talking about pain point is talking about one of the terms or keywords within customer service. By pain points we refer to any problem that may arise, within the sales process or interaction with the customer, and that may cause the environment or day-to-day life in the contact center to become more stressful and therefore lead to a significant decrease in productivity.
It is essential, therefore, to take a step back and know how to identify the problems of contact center workers with one goal: to take measures to alleviate pain points. In this way, with the “foundations” of a strong company, it will be much more effective to develop marketing strategies to meet the needs of the buyer persona. Don’t forget: a motivated sales team is your company’s best asset.
Contact center: 3 main pain points
Considering what we have explained above, it is clear how important it is to know how to identify the pain points of a contact center on time. Today we will talk about three of them:
Agent burnout
We all know that agent burnout in a contact center is quite common. Frenzy of calls, customers of all kinds or problems related to the purchase process that they are not always able to fix have a very negative impact: high staff turnover with constant work interruptions and, therefore, lower productivity.
This occupational risk is silent and can be due to several causes: poor training, monotony, lack of encouragement, interactions with customers throughout the customer journey and, of course, an outdated contact center software.
Solution: organizing different training programs for contact center agents is always a very good option, since it allows them to improve their performance and feel important in a company. Good contact center software that facilitates their daily work when offering a company’s product or service is also very important.
Lack of proactive management
The role of the managers of a company is also very important, since they are the “leaders” who drive all operations within a call center. This requires them to have skills and knowledge to be able to navigate the ship and that it does not run the risk of sinking. Every manager should ask himself two questions:
Is there a high staff turnover?
Are the objectives not being met?
Perhaps the problem are not the agents but, rather, it is a management problem.
Solution: the captain of our boat has to be a person capable of taking the initiative and doing it with guarantees. And not only that: he/she must be proactive, eager to learn and have the security and the ability to think out-of-the-box and with a view to the future. This means setting realistic and achievable objectives for your agents, encouraging them and having close, constant and two-way contact with them to find out their concerns and possible problems that do not reach the managers who are above.
Multiple communication channels
Telephone calls, online chats, social networks, emails … The use of new technologies to interact with customers can be a serious problem if a company does not know how to properly manage the different communication channels. In fact, some reports show that almost 70% of customers consider their time as very valuable, so the FCR or First Contact Resolution is essential to not lose it. Failure to do so leads to poor customer service, negative reviews, and therefore lost revenue and sales.
Solution: good omnichannel contact center software. This omnichannel 360º vision will allow your agents to feel more secure and be more productive when interacting with users.
Contact center: discover our ICR Evolution omnichannel software
If after reading this post you are interested in knowing how our omnichannel call center software EVOLUTION can help you solve the different pain points mentioned above, just contact us and request a demo of our software.