
This summer 2019, we released the connector to Facebook Messenger in our ICR Evolution software. Now you can centralize all communications with your customers and have a unified view of all interactions with them from the channel that best suits their activity or preference, improving the experience and strengthening ties between customer and company.

You will find below a tutorial on how Facebook Messenger works. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Why use Facebook Messenger for your business?

First, Facebook Messenger is the most used messaging platform, with 20 billion messages exchanged between individuals and businesses every month! This gives it an incomparable penetration power with your users. In addition, adding Facebook Messenger allows you to optimize the performance of your Contact Center. If you already use live chat, you will know that your agents can attend more written contacts than calls since they can answer up to four messages at the same time.

Facebook Messenger is not only a simple contact network: your users can also share photos, videos and voice in real time. Not to mention that more and more people prefer to interact with businesses using social media. Recent studies show that 67% of consumers use social media to seek resolution of an issue and they tend to spend 20 to 40% more with a brand that answers them on social media. Remember that still very few businesses offer Messenger as a contact channel so you can use it as a service differentiator.


How does the user contact you?

With 1.3 billion people using Facebook Messenger every day, it is clear that it is easy to use. Your client has a Facebook account automatically associated with Messenger. He/she downloads the app, enters their account, and searches for the name of your business directly in their contact list. A dialogue is opened with the company and can now send a message. And if they do not feel like downloading the app, they can also contact you directly from your Facebook account, through your company page. When setting up your company account, you can define opening hours and automatic welcome or wait messages. But beware that in channels like Facebook Messenger, customers expect a service in real time so make sure that you are able to answer them quickly, ideally within ten minutes.


How do I install Facebook Messenger with ICR Evolution?

To connect Evolution with the Messenger platform, you must make the settings required by Facebook on the page and link it to the Evolution server. Do not worry, we will explain everything to you at the right moment. Once these settings have been made, Evolution will receive the messages addressed to that page and will manage them as one more channel, being able to establish the priority within the waiting queues, the agent skills necessary to manage them, associate the conversation with a specific client, save the dialogue in the client history and end the conversation by assigning a business ending in order to obtain the necessary statistics for each company.

Agents will be able to reply to messages from WebAgent and of course being able to make use of the Omnichannel feature of the WebAgent and manage several interactions from different channels simultaneously. The messages may contain text, images, voice notes, videos, documents, locations, etc.


How to maximize the use of Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is not just an inbound contact channel. With dedicated tools, you can develop chatbots that answer basic questions with artificial intelligence, freeing up time for your agents to attend to requests with more added value.

Messages tend to open at 70-80% and have clickthrough rates of up to 20%!

Furthermore, Facebook Messenger is a very powerful marketing and retention tool. It is an interesting avenue for prospects who have questions but above all you can use it to push certain information to your followers. Messages tend to open at 70-80% and have clickthrough rates of up to 20%! Finally, remember that paying for advertising on Facebook Messenger is much cheaper than Facebook Ads.

To sum up

Now you know how Facebook Messenger works. We hope you have more clarity on the subject and that you start using it soon for your business. If you have any questions, we will give you a demo so do not hesitate to contact us!


software contact center

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