
Due to the emergency situation and global alarm caused by COVID-19, many companies are looking for alternatives that allow their employees to continue their daily work without having to go to an office and that can be done from the tranquility and security of their homes. Contact centers are no exception, as they had to take steps to keep work flowing without interruption. The most efficient option is undoubtedly remote working, which is being applied in a large number of companies and businesses, reducing the risk of contagion among their workers.

At ICR Evolution we are closely monitoring the current situation of COVID-19 as it rapidly evolves around the world and our top priority is to keep our employees safe and support our users, partners and customers in whatever way is necessary.

Our Business Continuity plan, created for situations like this, is designed to allow ICR Evolution’s services and operations to function optimally during these types of adverse situations.

But, ¿what is teleworking?

The concept of teleworking has been around for quite some time, since the use of new technological advances focused on communication within the workplace were established. The evolution and globalization of communications allow people from all over the world to speak and share information in real time regardless of distances.

Teleworking is a work modality that allows the employee to be able to carry out his functions from home, through a device that allows him/her to be in constant communication with clients, other employees, and his/her company superiors. This modality can be used both full-time and part-time, and allows higher flexibility in terms of schedules and capabilities of the employee within their functions. A person who is unable to move to the offices of the company can continue working from home without this “detail” affecting his/her performance.

Contact centers

The job of a contact center agent, for example, is one of the most necessary ones for many companies, since this service is the one allows people to obtain both general information and assistance in the event of a problem related to a service or product.

At ICR Evolution we know that these are difficult times for everyone and we will continue to put partners and customers at the center of all our activity. Our commitment to support you will be the same as usual and each and every request you send us will be answered and problems resolved.

Our team has been working remotely for more than a week now, so our partners and customers can count on us to be available whenever they need it.


digital transformation teleworking

Pros of teleworking

Like any type of work, teleworking comes with a series of advantages that propose the optimization of the performance of companies through its use. The most notable advantages are:

1.- Reduction of the company’s infrastructure

This makes it possible to lower the costs of buying or renting a space in which to install the company, since it is not necessary to create a large space in which to place employees.

2.- Reduction in work absences

There can be many reasons why an employee cannot get to the office, from commuting problems, or medical breaks that keep them confined within their homes. Through telecommuting, these employees can fulfill their tasks from home.

3.- Higher flexibility in working hours

The rigidity of a business schedule can be complicated for those employees who have some obligation or urgency in a working day. Many companies request to report absences in advance, which cannot always be done. By being able to work at home, the employee has the possibility to work on a schedule according to his/her needs.

Cons of teleworking

Even though it is a work modality that provides multiple benefits for both the worker and the owners of the companies, telework also presents some inconveniences at the time of its application that must be taken into account:


The lack of direct supervision of the employee, since he/she is at home, lends itself to a loss in the hierarchy within the company. This can even represent a lower performance in his/her work performance by not having someone who is constantly attentive to his/her effort.

Social factor

The social factor among employees is reduced, so the necessary bond is not created between them and their superiors to consolidate as a team and work effectively.


The employee does not feel committed to the company, being able to decide to leave it at any time without prior notice.

Contact center services

A large number of companies in different sectors use the contact center service to interact with customers. This services can be the core of the company, as well as being one of the services it offers. In the health sector, for example, the call center service is necessary, among other things, to confirm medical appointments and providing emergency service.

Thanks to the characteristics of our EVOLUTION software, that is accessible from wherever you need, your Agents can continue to provide good service to your clients remotely and respect the movement and confinement restrictions so necessary today.

Quality in Customer service

One of the most important factors when working in the customer service area is the ability to communicate effectively with the customer. Thanks to our EVOLUTION software, we are able to facilitate communication without interruptions, cleanly and efficiently; that is why we are constantly evolving, adapting to needs and including new channels.

Finally, we wanted you to know that to help in these difficult times, together with some of our partners that provide our solutions in the “Cloud”, we are helping many companies to move their operation “on premise” to the cloud. Thanks to this, they can continue to provide very important services for the community right now without having to assume any license costs for their use.


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