
And it finally happened: we met in person! Today we want to talk to you about a day that has already become part of the most special and emotional dates of our company: last Wednesday, April 20, we were finally able to meet in person with all the people who are part of ICR Evolution.

The meeting took place in Barcelona, headquarter of our company. And we don’t like to brag, but if we had to summarize our internal event we could do it in one word: awesome! We are very excited to tell and share with you all the details of how this internal ICR Evolution event went, so we invite you to continue reading this post!

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ICR Evolution internal event: present and future of our company

Members of our team traveled to Barcelona from Madrid, Valencia, Vigo, different parts of Andalusia and the United Kingdom to enjoy a day that not only helped us to establish bonds and go “all as one” —a very important aspect for us and one of the pillars on which ICR Evolution is based—; also to know the day to day of the different areas of our company.

In this way, in the internal event we had different interventions by the “captains” who steer the helm of our ship in the different areas of activity of the company:

  • Gabi Navarro, CEO of ICR Evolution, gave us a “masterclass” in which he told us about the general vision, the present and the future of ICR Evolution.
  • Javier Gimeno, our COO, explained to us the news and advances of the technical support team (essential for establishing links and alliances with both our clients and our technological partners)
  • Jordi Costa, CTO of the company, took a tour through the last years of ICR Evolution and turned on the light of our beacon to respond to different doubts and concerns: what have been the most important advances that have been made in the last years? What is the goal of our EVOLUTION contact center software?
  • Olga Mellado, CFO, “pulled out the calculator” and presented a balance sheet, with numbers and figures on the table, to find out where we came from, how we have grown and where we are heading financially speaking.
  • Last but not least, Aitana Arias, the company’s CMO, told us what our marketing team is working on and what the priorities and goals of the team she manages are.

ICR Evolution internal event: taking care of the human factor, our priority

And as not everything is going to be meetings and serious issues, at ICR Evolution we believe that the human factor is one of the most important assets of our company. For this reason, our internal event also served build strong bonds among all the members that make up our company and we took the opportunity to close this special day with a sweet and delicious team building activity: we created our own vermouth.

A very fun activity with which we all enjoyed a lot, we strengthened ties and it served to confirm what we already know: our priority always has been and still is the people who make up our company. People aligned with our values, commitment and mentality. Only in this way, taking care of what we consider our most important asset, can we achieve greater commitment, dedication and a higher level of satisfaction from our team. And this translates into something obvious: better results for the entire company.

ICR Evolution: horizontal, close company that is committed to remote work

At ICR Evolution we continue to work to always offer and ensure the best experience for each member of our team, regardless of the area in which they carry out their daily work. A meeting like the one held on April 20 helps us, as we have already said a few lines above, to strengthen bonds of trust and commitment.

However, from our beginnings we have always believed that a good relationship between all the members of a company, on a personal and professional level, is based on trust. And this trust begins to grow from the first moment, granting our team full freedom of choice to decide on how their working day should be (at the level of work flexibility or family reconciliation).

Also at the workspace level: as we told you recently, at ICR Evolution we are a remote-friendly company and we are committed to remote work. A way of working that has been part of our idiosyncrasy for many years, with practices such as:

  • Periodic online meetings (general and by teams)
  • Welcome calls for new hires
  • “121” meetings for the follow-up of each person

We hope to be able to repeat internal events like this one and that this post has also help you learn a little more about the values ​​and culture of ICR Evolution. Humanity, customer obsession, simplicity, accessibility, personal approach and authenticity define us.

Want to know more about us? You can do it here!


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