
The Digital Customer Experience (DCX) is a key element within the current context of digital transformation of companies. Therefore, if you do not want your business to be left behind in online customer service, you should pay special attention. Let’s see how.

What is Digital Customer Experience?

The Digital Customer Experience is the set of perceptions or impressions that a customer has after having experienced a certain set of interactions with the company, within the digital sphere.

Therefore, DCX is only one part of the overall customer experience: that limited to the online environment.

However, as you know, the barriers between online and offline are increasingly blurred. Let us remind you that omnichannel comes to integrate the set of interactions with customers in a single global experience.

Therefore, even if you must develop a specific Digital Customer Experience strategy, do not lose sight of the fact that it must be perfectly integrated with such global experience. At the end of the day, what the client will have is a comprehensive perception of the brand, a good or bad experience as a whole, regardless of the interaction channel.

“The good consideration that customers have of your company is, surely, one of your most valuable assets”


4 Basic principles of Digital Customer Experience

Before entering into the definition of strategies and concrete actions, it is important to start from certain general principles that can help us clarify some basic ideas:

1. The most important thing is still the customer

In other words, no matter how important the technological aspect is, the ultimate goal must be excellence in online customer service (a software like EVOLUTION can be a badge): that the experience is satisfactory, regardless of the channel. However, many companies continue to make the mistake of prioritizing technological development over the design of a global or comprehensive customer experience strategy.

2. The customer doesn’t really care about digital

The user wants, above all, to solve his problem, buy a product or service or ask a question in the easiest, fastest and most efficient way possible.

3. It would be very serious to fall into the error of neglecting the digital

Although it is obvious, it is worth remembering: nowadays, all companies move inside the digital field. Therefore, the Digital Customer Experience is not only for high-tech companies or 100% digital products.

4. We are all digital customers, but we are not all the same

Although practically all clients have some type of digital interaction with the company, there are differences between a casual user of digital platforms and an intensive, intentional or early adopter. In this sense, voice of customer programs can be very useful to learn more about your customers and act accordingly, in a personalized way.

“We call Voice of Customer the process of collecting, systematizing and analyzing expectations, needs, preferences and, in general, customer feedback in order to maximize their satisfaction with the company’s products or services.”

The Digital Customer Experience: the best starting point

Undoubtedly, the first step before taking any specific action in this field is that you know in depth what the digital customer experience that your company offers today is like.

Therefore, use analytical tools to collect information about company-customer interactions, verify the use of different channels, collect opinions, etc.

Obviously, all this information must be refined and structured in a way that offers you a solid base of knowledge for action.

To do this, analyze the feedback of your customers in an orderly, objective and complete way (in all channels). Take advantage of the information collected in your contact center to get a clear view of the experience of those customers. If you use surveys, do it in a simple, limited and unobtrusive way.


Ideas to take the Digital Customer Experience to the next level

Based on the information collected in the previous phase, you can begin to design an online customer service strategy that is specific to your company. To sum up:

  • Know your business and know your customers

Define what the different types of users of your digital channels are like and what they are looking for in those interactions. Adapt your strategy to each type but do not distort the voice and global image of your brand.

  • Try to personalize the user’s digital experience

As you know, the volume of information about your customers that you can collect in online channels allows you an unprecedented degree of knowledge. Additionally, the technological tools of marketing and customer service allow us, as never before, to achieve high personalization with a very limited effort and a great scope. Take advantage of it and use it in your favor.

  • Perfect the omnichannel experience

Without a doubt, there cannot be a good Digital Customer Experience without proper omnichannel management. On the contrary, the isolated and disjointed operation of the different channels can be a great source of frustration and, therefore, a bad experience for your digital customer.


“Customer trust in the company is an essential element for good management”


  • Experience

Digital technology allows you to perform controlled tests in a simple, fast and easy to evaluate way. Therefore, if you have an idea with potential, do tests with a certain customer segment and measure the results before extending it to the whole company. Without a doubt, lean and agile approaches can also be applied to DCX.

Essential piece within a comprehensive perception

In short, the Digital Customer Experience is nothing more than a partial vision of the global experience that your customers will perceive in all their interactions with the company.

Therefore, try to ensure that all the strategies and specific actions in the online field are consistent with that global vision that you want to convey. Make all the pieces fit together and you will get more and more satisfied customers.


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