User persona in the call center. Throughout the day, call center agents receive phone calls from dozens of different types of customers. Each of them with problems to solve that, in most cases, do not match. As the first touch point between the customer and the company, agents must be able to understand their wishes and needs with one goal: to offer their company’s call center services with full guarantees.
Now, is it possible, in some way, to establish different types of target audience to find out what a company’s potential customer can be like? The answer is yes and it can be summed up in two words: user persona. Do you want to know what we are talking about? Keep reading!
User persona: what is it?
By user persona we understand that representation or fictitious character of the ideal client of a company. A representation created with one goal: to identify the different types of people or customers who might need the product or service in a similar way.
Taking into account that a call center offers specific services and its objective is to take care of customer satisfaction (in our last post we talked about some very useful customer service metrics to analyze it), establishing a user persona has very relevant benefits for a company :
- Data collection allows optimizing sales strategies and marketing campaigns (especially when we refer to inbound call centers), in addition to establishing a roadmap (or Journey Mapping)
- It helps companies identify whether or not a user will use the product and focus on those that are useful.
- The creation of a user persona allows, therefore, to correctly implement and execute marketing strategies, increase FCR (First Contact Resolution) and keep call center agents motivated.
User persona: how to define it?
When starting to shape each user persona profile, different elements must be taken into account. The ones that should be included yes or yes are:
- Header: an agile and direct way to visualize the profile of each fictitious customer and, therefore, to assimilate their characteristics beforehand.
- Demographic data: information that has to do with age, gender, education, personal situation, profession or interests.
- Objectives: what do the customer need a company’s product or service for?
- Context: in which situation is the customer most likely to use the aforementioned product or service in each of the types of call center?
- Behavior: what are the actions that the user persona is most likely to perform?
What types of “ideal client” exist?
Thus, and taking into account this segmentation, it is possible to establish five types of user persona:
- Social: that is, those who prefer to study, compare and read recommendations and reviews online before buying the product or service. Those customer services that do not meet their expectations will generate discouragement (and bad opinions for the company)
- Perfectionists: They know exactly what they’re looking for, so they’ll do even more research than socials before they buy. In this group it is essential, from the customer service center, to meet their specific needs.
- Those “without time”: they need the call center to be agile and that the assistance time by the agents is the minimum possible.
- The “Panic Buyers”: nervous people who always end the purchase process on the last minute. Although the majority of purchases are made online, this group often resorts to phone calls to get quick answers
- Impulsive: a totally opposite user persona to that of perfectionists. Unlike these, impulsive buyers buy in a fraction of a second, so they need an agile way to end their customer journey (also using the phone call before the email, for example).
User persona in the call center: conclusion
Establishing the different types of user persona is essential for a company’s strategy to be correctly oriented and all its design processes to be focused on the user.
Once profiled, it is much easier to focus conversations and marketing actions in a much more effective way. Of course, taking into account the diversity of profiles, to be able to attend to each of them with full guarantees, it is essential to have good omnichannel contact center software.
Find out how our call center software EVOLUTION can help you? Request a demo here.