Without a doubt, Telegram for business is making its way as a very powerful communication tool with the client. Therefore, in this article we want to show you some of its most interesting applications in this field.
What is Telegram for business?
Although you have probably already heard of this tool, Telegram is simply an instant messaging application similar to WhatsApp, although with certain additional functionalities that make it really interesting.
This app was born in 2013 with the aim of providing a messaging and VOIP service with reinforced privacy, advanced dissemination tools, as well as technological support for bots and other artificial intelligence applications.
So, if you already use WhatsApp for business in your company, do you also need Telegram for your company? In the following sections we will try to answer this and other questions.
Main advantages of Telegram
At least in our sector, WhatsApp exercises an overwhelming dominance in the ecosystem of messaging applications. However, Telegram has also a spectacular success in many countries and has more and more followers among us.
In addition, what is more important, Telegram implements a series of tools for companies that make it perfect to be incorporated as one of your communication channels with the customer.
Below, we explore some of its most notable advantages for the business world:
1. It is free and its API is in the public domain
Of course, Telegram is free for any private user. But it is also for intensive business use. It doesn’t matter if you only send a few messages a day or if you make it your main corporate communication and dissemination tool.
In addition, free access to the API allows any developer to add functionalities to the app, integrate it into customer service platforms (such as EVOLUTION, our software for call and contact centers) or develop bots that interact with users.
In an environment where chatbots and other artificial intelligence applications are increasingly important, Telegram can be a perfect ally in communication with the client.
2. Privacy improvements
Undoubtedly, the concern for the privacy of communications is a growing trend in our environment. Consequently, Telegram was born with a virtually invulnerable data encryption system.
In addition, this application allows communication without having to provide personal data or telephone number, which can attract many reluctant users to give their information to companies.
The possibility of secret chats or self-destructing messages are facets that are also attractive to many users concerned about greater privacy.
3. Multiplatform
Telegram is available both for all mobile platforms (iOS, Android …) and for any type of desktop computer (Windows, Mac OS and Linux).
No company should allow its communication channels with the client to have compatibility obstacles or technical limitations on certain platforms.
4. Better communication tools with the client
In an environment where business chat occupies an increasingly prominent place, gaining space over traditional calls to the contact center, Telegram is positioned as a prominent competitor.
Thus, in addition to direct communication, Telegram channels offer enormous possibilities for one-way communication, marketing campaigns, advertising and segmentation. All this in a 100% free way.
There are more and more functionalities that Telegram adds, and those that make it a very powerful tool, both for companies and for users and customers. For example, in the last update of the platform the implemented scam alerts, security improvements, improvements in its bot system for companies and individuals and a host of functionalities that companies can take advantage of to give a boost to their attention to the customer experience.
Focused Privacy, Discussion Groups, Seamless Web Bots and More in Telegram 5.7 https://t.co/0Flbgyz8KM
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) June 1, 2019
5. 24/7 customer service and immediate feedback
Like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and webchats, Telegram allows you continuous interaction with your customer base, especially if you combine it with some type of bot.
In a time where immediacy and total availability are imposed, Telegram is in a very prominent starting position.
Thus, the younger generations are increasingly choosing to communicate with companies writing, directly and informally. Telephone calls lose relevance and the close and informal tone prevails.
On the other hand, this closeness and immediacy facilitate the generation of feedback that can be of great value to the company, provided it is used appropriately. As we have already highlighted on more than one occasion, information is only useful when it is transformed into a tool for decision-making.
Telegram for business vs. WhatsApp
As you have already seen, although there are many points in common, Telegram is not equivalent to WhatsApp. And, although it far exceeds it in many respects, WhatsApp still retains certain advantages:
- The implantation and popularity of WhatsApp in our sector is higher than that of Telegram. It is difficult to find someone who does not know WhatsApp and almost everyone has the app on their mobile phone. Regarding Telegram, it still has a long way to go (although it is doing it by leaps and bounds). According to the latest available data, we would be talking about more than 1,500 million users compared to just over 200 million.
- Despite certain improvements on WhatsApp, group management is much better in Telegram. In general, all the marketing, dissemination and segmentation tools are more developed in Telegram.
- Privacy is one of the highlights of Telegram, increasingly appreciated by all types of users. Faced with this, WhatsApp struggles with certain reputational problems and against the long shadow of Facebook.
- The integration of bots and other artificial intelligence tools is a huge advantage of Telegram over WhatsApp and, without a doubt, a fantastic functionality for contact centers.
In any case, today it is convenient to have both applications. Thus, despite the theoretical advantages of Telegram, the enormous user base of WhatsApp means that no business should neglect this important communication channel with the customer.
Telegram for business: a promising future
Ultimately, although Telegram Business is still a rumor, no company can afford to be late for this true transformation of B2C communications.
Undoubtedly, the privacy, immediacy and versatility of this tool will be increasingly appreciated by customers. If you don’t want to be left behind, you should think about incorporating it into your business as soon as possible.
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