Under the concept “Make your live chat speak for you from the first glance,” we present a live chat that can be customised from start to finish. The goal: to offer communication that aligns with your corporate identity, thereby increasing engagement and loyalty.

This new live chat update allows for the customisation of colours, text, forms, surveys, and more. Your customers will feel connected to your brand from the first interaction! Emilio Castellano (Sr. Software Engineer at ICR Evolution) answers key questions here to help you understand this development:


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What are the most valued features of live chat?

Live chat is a channel that facilitates agile and close communication. The benefit it offers is that, unlike the phone, it allows the sharing of pictures, audiovisual content, documents, etc. Everything flows more quickly and inquiries are resolved as efficiently as possible, with minimal effort from the customer.

At ICR Evolution, we are convinced of the potential of this communication channel, and based on feedback from our customers, we decided to undertake a complete overhaul to meet their needs.”

What aspects were considered for this development?

“We prioritised the ability to customise so that each customer can make the most of the chat according to their needs and business goals. In this regard, we developed an editor to create different Themes with just a few clicks, which can be associated with campaigns in different languages. You can customise: appearance (colours, logos, etc.), language, preset texts, configuration for sending and receiving images, videos, audio, documents, and emojis, initial form, satisfaction surveys, and more.

How do customers benefit from this update?

“Customers will feel more comfortable using a chat tool that aligns with their corporate identity. The theme editor is absolutely user-friendly, and updates will be immediate for new chats. This means that changes can be made on the spot without affecting the normal operation of the contact center. Through theme editing, we can adapt the appearance and configuration of the applications for both the customer and the agent independently, offering our teams a user experience that allows them to work without technical interference. Lastly, we have adopted cutting-edge technologies to ensure we offer the best service efficiency and scalability to our customers.

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