The company specialized in contact center software, ICR Evolution, wants to show with the guide “KPI Engagement. Revolution in Management” the possibilities that KPIs offer to directors and middle managers to transform the management of the customer relationship.
This writing is not a review of the theoretical concepts of KPI management (the origins, the types of KPIs and the main metrics), but rather a set of observations around the field of KPI management and indicators to measure customer satisfaction, to inspire company directors and managers and encourage them to be the change their organizations need to better serve their customers.
These are the comments of an accredited voice in the matter, Ángel Vázquez García, managing partner of eCustomer and industrial engineer by UPM, Executive MBA by IE, PhD candidate in Economics at UAH and Higher Program in Digital Marketing by ICEMD / ESIC, in collaboration with the news portal Relación Cliente.
Developed with the assistance of the eCustomer Group and Relación Cliente Web
It is advised by the eCustomer group, a company that is dedicated to the structuring and optimization necessary to maximize results in sales and customer service in complex environments, with the need for high performance.
It also has the advice of Relación Cliente web, a portal specialized in the publication of news and specialized reports in the field of customer service.
Both entities are benchmarks in their sector and are an authority in the market that encompasses companies that focus their business on the implementation and management of relationships between organizations and customers.

A guide from ICR Evolution, experts on software for contact center
ICR Evolution works in the development of IT solutions for call centers, customer service companies or customer service departments of large corporations.
It allows company staff to manage customer communications that arrive by phone, email, social media or chat in a comprehensive and completely centralized way.
It is an advanced software for contact center management that increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the administration of all the communications that customers have with the company.
The ICR Evolution guide proposes to improve the relationship of companies with customers through the management of KPIs and indicators to measure customer satisfaction.
Discover the most appropriate way to manage KPIs
To establish the indicators to measure customer satisfaction, among other indicators that will serve every organization or department to know if the strategy set is the correct one to achieve the objectives, the document recommends taking the opposite path to what expected.
Instead of collecting all the available indicators, it is suggested to first establish the needs of the company. In this sense, it is suggested to delve into everything that the company requires to achieve the stated purposes and then find the data that will help your team to cover that gap.
The guide explains how to carry it out and how to visualize it, so that everyone can effectively determine the best route to achieve the organization’s objectives in the most effective way possible, taking into account these indicators to measure satisfaction of the client among many others.
Assimilate the methodology of the Balanced Scorecard
The ICR ebook proposes a method that addresses the issue from four well-defined perspectives.
According to the suggested methodology, for each of the different perspectives, a series of basic indicators will have to be identified to measure customer service management.
This method, which is discussed in more detail in the ebook, is key to reconfiguring the management of KPIs and improving the relationship with the customer.
The importance of analyzing the dispersions in the management of customer indicators
It also highlights the importance of the data when presenting reports and making decisions and how it is the fact of working the indicators in dispersions and not only in measurements. A change is also suggested: that indicators stop working in measures and move on to analysis of dispersions.
When analyzing KPIs, dispersions are usually underestimated and, for this reason, it is convenient to change this way of acting to improve the management of indicators to measure customer satisfaction and other customer indicators, and ultimately the ones of the company itself.
Thanks to dispersion analysis, a small report can be presented in a few hours and conclusions reached in a short period of time, thus increasing the operational performance of a company.
KPI Engagement and its opportunities
The guide recalls the ten points that everyone who performs management tasks in an organization should follow to verify that the administration of the indicators to measure customer satisfaction and other important KPIs are being implemented correctly.
Ten tips to know if you and your team are correctly applying the indicators to measure customer satisfaction, which will allow you to know if the relationship with the customer is being carried out in your company as it should to achieve the objectives set.
A decalogue to memorize well everything about management by KPI Engagement, which will fit like a glove to increase the productivity of your company’s employees and to align them with the strategy and mission set by the organization.
Get inspired by real KPI management experiences
The book ends with the contributions of real cases from different customer service managers of companies from different sectors and with diverse business volumes such as Schibsted Spain,, Pelayo, Asitur or Axa.
These testimonials deep on the day-to-day highlights of the supervision of the employees who work in customer service at these companies and provide inspiration and useful advice for anyone in charge of managing the team that manages customer relations.
Testimonials that help verify how people with the same interests improve the daily management of their customer service teams with the correct administration of KPIs and indicators to measure customer satisfaction.
ICR Evolution offers executives and middle managers a complete guide to reformulate the management of the KPIs that govern the correct relationship between the organization and its clients.