RPA automation solutions in a contact center. We have already spoken on different occasions about digital transformation and all that it entails: new routines in the workplace and in customer service (such as an increase in the use of social networks or email compared to phone calls used since forever) or the use of AI (artificial intelligence) are just two of them. The goal? To improve the customer experience.
In addition to this, and as we already explained in one of our last posts, the user increasingly values contact with those companies that offer self-service. Its main characteristic is the reduction of direct interaction with the agent during business processes. For this reason, contact centers need to apply and incorporate solutions to maintain their competitive capacity.
As a consequence, in this process of digital transformation for the benefit of the user, it has been observed how interest is growing in the subject that we want to talk you about today: RPA or robotic process automation. Don’t you know what we’re talking about? Keep reading!
Contact center: what is RPA?
By RPA (Robotic Process Automation) we understand, as its name suggests, the transformation and simplification of repetitive tasks (in terms of digital terms) in the contact center. We talk about processes such as the collection and entry of information, file management within the servers or the storage of different data, among others.
These daily processes are especially tedious for contact center agents, who are forced to dedicate a significant part of their time and effort to carry them out. Here precisely lies the importance of integrating automation solutions to support professionals who interact with users every day.
Contact center: which are the benefits of RPA solutions for automation?
Automating tasks through RPA is very positive for companies – especially those that are part of the call center sector. Among the main benefits of RPA technology we can find the following:
- Save time and costs: a robot is, on average, 10 to 15 times faster than a human being
- 24/7 uninterrupted work
- Minimal error
- Efficiency: a contact center software that integrates RPA will improve the efficiency of agents and therefore achieve customer satisfaction

What tasks can be automated with an RPA?
70% of companies will adopt machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotic process automation (RPA) to improve the efficiency, collaboration and execution of their employees. In this sense, therefore, process automation is the ideal complement for the call center agent who, freed from tedious and repetitive tasks, focuses on more creative matters, feeling that his/her role in the company when providing a Customer service is much more important.
Among the multiple tasks that take place daily in a contact center, some of those that could be automated with RPA technology are, for example:
- Call distribution: a contact center software that integrates RPA technology will allow the automated distribution of calls so that they are answered by the right person. A tedious task for agents that can lead to mistakes in handling such calls.
- Resolution of frequently asked questions: if you think about it, a call center can receive calls with common questions on many occasions. All these common questions can be answered by an RPA robot.
- Automation of analysis and data collection: Omnichannel contact center software such as ICR EVOLUTION enables the content of, for example, incoming emails to be analyzed to provide automated responses. This reduces the number of inquiries handled by agents and increases customer satisfaction.
EVOLUTION, our omnichannel software for contact center
After this post we have to stay with an idea: RPA does not come to replace human work. Quite the contrary: humans and robots walk hand in hand. Having a contact center software that adequately integrates the aforementioned RPA automation technologies allows your call center agents to work happily and at full capacity.
Request a demo of our ICR Evolution contact center software and discover how we can help you. Begin the (R)evolution!