Live chat in the contact center

Live chat is a long-standing channel within contact centers. However, it is often not used to its fullest extent. Did you know that it is also a great sales tool? Let’s see what else it can offer you to make a real difference in the quality of interactions with your customers and potential customers.

At ICR Evolution we have noticed that live chat is positioned among customers’ favorite channels to communicate with a company. If you have not yet incorporated it into your business, find here 4 reasons why you should do it right now. Come on!


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4 reasons to incorporate live chat for Customer Service

  1. Real-time interaction: Immediacy is one of the currently most valued factors in customer service. Customer times have changed. The competition is voracious and any delay or inefficiency in customer service can generate irreparable damage to the customer’s perception of the brand. In conclusion: serve your customers at the exact moment they need to be served and you will be rewarded with a good reputation and high levels of loyalty.
  2. Personalization and human touch: As it is a face-to-face conversation, live chat allows you to delve into details and offer ad-hoc answers for each particular case. Furthermore, if you have quality Customer Service software, your agents will have all the customer’s historical information available. They will be able to give more depth to the situation, knowing the customer’s background, preference channels, purchase and query history and much more.
  3. Sales: In addition to Customer Service, live chat is a powerful tool to increase conversions. Imagine that you are on a website or e-commerce and you have a question that is key to defining whether or not you buy a product. What’s better than accessing a chat and in seconds being resolving your concerns with a person specialized in the subject. Don’t underestimate the power of chat to achieve action in the moment and successfully guide your potential customers through the purchasing process.
  4. Customer loyalty: The relationship with the customer does not end at the moment of purchase. On the contrary, if you know how to take advantage of it, it’s just the beginning! Customers satisfied with the service  are more likely to repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others. If any doubts, inconveniences or technical problems arise at the time of post-purchase, it is a strategic moment to show the professionalism and dedication of your Customer Service team. If you manage to overcome this moment while maintaining high quality service, you will be contributing to the long-term growth and success of your business.

For all of this to work, it is important to create the strategy around quality software that is truly omnichannel, which allows you to know the communication record of each customer with your brand (regardless of the channel through which they have interacted). The result will be more conversions, satisfied customers and longer-term relationships.


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