
A call script in a call center, or a manual of functions of a call center agent, is an extremely useful tool for companies that are dedicated to this activity, whether it is a telemarketing services company, or simply a Customer Support team. Of course, developing a call script for a call center seems simple, but the truth is that it depends directly on the history of cases to be handled according to one or other companies.

Scripts for call center

1. Write a script having in mind your future agents

The first thing you should keep in mind is that it must serve as a manual of procedures both for your current agents, and for those who are one step away from entering your company, so taking note of each past experience during the execution of your previous works will be of vital importance.

2. Do it your way

Try to make a call to a similar company, and adapt your style of answering calls in a similar (or different) way as the case may be. The way to answer a call in services, for example, customer service, is extremely important, as it will immediately generate confidence in those who call your call center.


3. Create predetermined answers

Break down the cases you have dealt with, and depending on the concerns of each person, try to create predetermined ways to answer them. This will generate consistency between the responses that many people may receive in similar cases. Use our software EVOLUTION to record calls and listen to them easily.

4. Redirect calls correctly

Each agent is specialized in handling certain types of cases. Try to get your primary agents (those who receive the calls in the first instance) to be able to identify the doubts of a client, so that they can quickly redirect the calls to those agents specialized in handling such or such possible cases. They must also be prepared with a language that allows them to respond to each concern in the fastest and most understandable way, so that a client does not have to call several times to clarify the same doubts.

5. Establish a clear organization

Organize your call center script according to the action process. Say hello, ask, redirect the call if required, answer, ask for any additional questions. In this way, you will achieve order in your work team, and in addition, you will have designed a manual of functions of call center agents that is really understandable for all those new aspiring to be part of your team of agents.


Say hello, ask, redirect the call if required, answer, ask for any additional questions.


It is very important that this order is not lost, and that there is also a dedicated staff to update day after day the new cases that may occur in the future, so that there are never blank spaces. The main idea is that a question from a client can be answered with total clarity by your agents, and not that they generate additional doubts in themselves. If your agents have doubts when handling a case, it is very likely that clients will begin to doubt their abilities to help them.

Although there is no golden rule to design a manual of functions of a call center agent, it is true that the aforementioned points are of vital importance for the previous development of a script for your own company. Both your employees and your customers, and the projected image of your own company, will appreciate it very much.

6. Make it visual

Try to establish the script by breaking it down by chapters, and if possible, use colors and images. The colors and images help a lot to the easy understanding of the texts, especially for those people who do not usually read much. Remember that the idea of ​​developing a script for your employees should always be simpler than trying to read the instructions of an electronic device, or studying a history text with convoluted and complicated language.

Script structure

  • Structured: Each step must be well emphasized, a good example would be:

Presentation: Who am I – company name and agent.
Reason for calling: Why a customer called.
Description of your product / service: What do I offer if it is telemarketing.
Advantages / objections: Strengths of our product / service
Closing: Farewell, which must always be cordial.

  • Clear: Simple to understand. The client must understand it, even when he is paying little attention and later throughout the conversation we will capture his interest more. (in case of offering services).
  • Interesting: We must awaken the curiosity of the contact as this can open many doors for our final goal if we try to sell a product.
  • Formal: We must always address the potential customer with great politeness, courtesy and respect. Getting away from all inappropriate terms brings us closer to the final goal.


These steps could be considered essential or vitally important to develop a good script for our call center. But we cannot ignore the interface that the agent will have: Would you like to offer your employees a black and white interface with plain text? The agent would get bored quickly, and we don’t want a boring agent. This is where the importance of color and images comes in in the script to be developed.

Colors are extremely important when creating a good script


Now that you have a clearer idea about the steps to follow to make a call center script or call center agent functions manual, we invite you to do a test. Start with the most basic cases, without ignoring the points that we have mentioned throughout the article, apply color and images to it, and observe the reaction of your agents. The change in your motivation is probably very positive, apart from the fact that in the long run, the call center call script will allow you to make your work process more efficient and organized.

If you have any questions about it, do not hesitate to contact us. We can surely offer you more tips for preparing your own procedures manual. We will be happy to help you with everything related to the efficiency of your contact center.


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