February 17, 2022 Telegram App for contact center in 2022 Telegram App for the contact center in 2022. Today we want to talk to you about a messaging app that is gaining a lot
February 15, 2022 How to comply with the ODPL and the GDPR in a call center? How to comply with the GDPR and the ODPL in a call center? The year 2022 will undoubtedly be a year full of great
February 10, 2022 New labour reform. How does it affect the call center? New labour reform, how does it affect the call center? Today we want to talk about the New Labour Reform, published in the BOE
February 3, 2022 Facebook Messenger in your contact center Facebook Messenger in a contact center. Today we want to talk to you about the social network that, today and according to data from
February 1, 2022 ¿What is a contact center? What is a contact center? During the last weeks we have been highlighting the importance and evolution of call centers and contact centers and
January 27, 2022 Journey mapping in the call center. How to enhance it? Journey Mapping in call center. The first thought that comes to mind when we think of the “path” that a customer takes to complete
January 26, 2022 IVR call blasting for call center. Why is it so effective? IVR call blasting for call center. Today we want to talk about one of the most effective solutions when it comes to managing customer
January 20, 2022 History and evolution of the call center History and evolution of the call center. That call centers have transformed the way of doing business and communication between a company and its
January 18, 2022 Why use WhatsApp or Telegram for customer service in a contact center? Why integrate Whatsapp or Telegram in a contact center? By now we are all clear about the importance of social media, email and instant